Our Partners

About our Partners

Our partners are a valuable and important part of Lancaster/Northumberland Habitat for Humanity.  They provide professional expertise, work processes that require experience and/or labor our volunteers don’t have, professional certifications to insure the work we do meets all regulatory requirements, construction materials, residential equipment, and so much more. 

We take great pride in these relationships that have taken years to develop.  We cannot function without our partners.

You can't beat a good partner
There are some things we can't do without our partners

When you are shopping for a provider/partner, we recommend the following names for you to consider:

American Standard Insurance Agency

Beasley Drywall

Ben Whanger, Rivah Lawn and Landscaping

Cheaspeake Bank

Chesapeake Tree Services

Commonwealth Pest Management

Crowther Heating & Air Conditioning

Dehnert, Clarke & Co., P.C.

Dominion Energy Virginia

Engineering Design Associates

F&M Homes, Inc.

Gary Gray


Hubbard, Terry & Britt Attorneys at Law

Home Depot

Horns Northern Neck Ace

KBS Home Center (Granite Company on Main St.)

K. L. Krout Pump & Well Service

Lamberth Building Materials

Lancaster County

Lillian Lumber Company, Inc.


Northumberland County

One Stop Electrical & Plumbing

Parker’s Masonry, LLC

Ransone’s Nursery & Maintenance, Inc.

Soil Evaluation Services, Inc.

T. A. Paris Plumbing, Inc.

Tomlin & Keyser Land Surveyors

Truss Systems

Ty Brent – real estate appraiser

Veney’s Heating and Air Conditioning

W. C. Lowery, Inc.